
褚振华,女,198110月生,博士,教授。日本东北大学金属研究所访问学者。从事材料腐蚀与防护技术研究,特别是海洋环境下材料表面腐蚀磨损与防护等研究工作,开发的陶瓷基复合涂层、非晶复合涂层等在海洋渔业设备、深海勘探和开采装备等领域推广应用。承担科研项目多项,其中作为负责人主持国家自然基金(面上/青年项目)、河北省优秀青年基金河北省自然基金、天津市自然基金等省部级以上项目8项。担任国际期刊Surface and Coatings Technology的首届Early Career Advisory Board (ECAB)成员;《腐蚀与防护学报》第一届青年编委;担任《Materials Science and Engineering A》、《Ocean Engineering》、《The Electrochemical Society》等期刊审稿人;发表SCI论文52篇;申请发明专利20余项,授权13项;担任河北省防腐保温协会专家委员会专家、标准化技术委员会专家;国家科技项目科技专家;上海市科委专家库专家。


1.2001.09-2005.07     河北工业大学  材料科学专业  本科

2.2005.09-2007.07       天津大学    材料科学专业  硕士

3.2007.09-2012.10     上海交通大学  材料加工工程  博士

4.2009.10-2010.10     日本东北大学  金属研究所    访问学者

5.2020.09-2021.06     上海交通大学  材料科学学院 访问学者

6.2012.12-2018.04     河北工业大学  材料科学与菠菜老平台集合网

7.2018.05-至今        菠菜资源平台大全  菠菜老平台集合网




研究生课程: 现代涂层技术,材料腐蚀与防护等


1.     国家自然基金面上项目,51872072,“阻抗渐变型陶瓷-纳米Ni-石墨烯多相层状复合吸波耐蚀涂层的制备及组织结构调控机制研究”,2019.01-2022.12, 在研,主持

2.     国家自然基金青年基金项目,51402083 “等离子喷涂陶瓷-Fe基非晶梯度复合涂层的研究”, 2015.01-2017.12,已结题,主持

3.     天津市自然基金青年基金项目,16JCQNJC03600 反应等离子喷涂TiN增韧Fe-基非晶复合涂层的研究”,2016.04- 2019.12已结题,主持

4.     河北省优秀青年基金项目,YQ2014001AZ91D镁合金表面等离子喷涂耐磨耐蚀非晶涂层的研究, 2015.01-2017.12,已结题,主持

5.     河北省海外留学归国人员资助项目,C201400307“等离子喷涂法制备自增韧锆基非晶耐磨耐蚀复合涂层的研究, 2015.01-2017.12,已结题,主持

6.     河北省自然基金青年基金项目,E201402096“等离子喷涂高耐磨耐蚀性非晶-陶瓷复合涂层的研究”,2014.01-2016.12,已结题,主持

7.     商飞创新基金项目,COMAC-SFGS-2019-301“表面痕量残留快速检测方法研究与验证”,2019.01-2020.12主持

8.     浦东新区新材料产业调研分析项目,2022312“新材料产业推进及年度报告”2022.10-2022.12主持

9.     菠菜资源平台大全专项发展基金,A2-2006-22-200215“海洋环境下长效生态友好型防污损涂料的研究”2022.1-2023.12主持

10.  菠菜资源平台大全青年教师启动项目,A2-2006-00-200371 “海洋环境下耐磨蚀、抗电磁干扰复合涂层研究”主持

11.国家自然基金面上项目,51672067“硼化钛基原位纳米复合涂层组织结构和性能调控机理研究 2017.01-2020.12,在研,参与(排名第三)

12.国家自然基金面上项目,51072045“高抗锌蚀多级结构复合涂层组织结构设计及耐蚀机理研究 2011.01-2013.12,已结题,参与(排名第三)

13.教育部博士点基金项目,“等离子喷涂合成高性能纳米陶瓷复合涂层的机理研究” 2012.01-2014.02,已结题,参与(排名第三)

14.国家自然基金青年基金项目,51102074“三维网状结构纳米复合粉体的形成机制及其对纳米结构涂层的强韧化机理研究” 2012.01-2014.12,已结题,参与(排名第四)

15.国家自然基金项目,51541208“新型亚稳氧化物复合涂层的原位形成机制与结构调控” 2016.01-2016.12,已结题,参与(排名第四)



1. 褚振华,魏福双,杨勇,相瑞,董艳春,陈学广,王磊,阎殿然,何继宁,张春月. 一种石墨烯--非晶复合涂层的制备方法,ZL2017 1 0569965.6,授权日201975

2. 褚振华,魏福双,杨勇,董艳春,陈学广,王磊,阎殿然,张春月. 一种氮化物陶瓷-非晶复合涂层的制备方法,ZL2017 1 0464598.3,授权日201935

3. 褚振华,阎殿然,张建新,董艳春,杨勇,陈学广,黄丹.一种陶瓷/铁基非晶复合涂层的制备方法,ZL2015 1 0593836.1,授权日:2017627

4. 褚振华、许竞翔、邓文兴、王芳、吴瑜,Composite powder and method for preparing nitride ceramic composite coating by using the composite powder2021102277授权日:2021.06.02

5.袁广银,尹健,褚振华,丁文江. 快速凝固超高强度镁合金及其制备方法, ZL200910049871.1, 授权日:2010128

6. 勇,陈学广,褚振华,王磊,董艳春,阎殿然,张建新,袁立武,张旭宁. 硼化钛基无机复合材料涂层的制备方法,ZL2013 1 0466640.3,授权日:201599

7. 勇,褚振华,王磊,陈学广,董艳春,阎殿然,张建新. 钛合金及钛铝金属间化合物表面硼化钛基涂层的制备方法,ZL2016 1 0617312.6 授权日:2019125

8. 勇,陈学广,王磊,褚振华,董艳春,阎殿然,张建新. 钛合金及钛铝金属间化合物表面氧化物基涂层的制备方法,ZL2016 1 0617140.2 授权日:2018928

9. 勇,褚振华,陈学广,董艳春,阎殿然,张建新. 一种用于硼化锆基复合材料的复合粉及制备方法, ZL2016 1 0895853.5 授权日期:2019730

10. 郑兴伟,褚振华,许竞翔,王世明,张丽珍,梁拥成. 一种耐热抗蠕变镁合金及其制备方法,ZL 201811208594.X 授权日期:202094日。

11. 郑兴伟,曹宇,王世明,褚振华,张丽珍,梁拥成,庄欣,袁杰. 一种快速挤压成型的镁合金及其制备方法,ZL2018 10332874.5 授权日期:2020813


1. Zhenhua Chu*, Fushang Wei, Xingwei Zheng**, Chunyue Zhang,Yong Yang, Microstructure and properties of TiN/Fe-based amorphous composite coatings fabricated by reactive plasma spraying[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds2019 (785) 206-213.

2.Zhenhua Chu*, Xingwei Zheng, Chunyue Zhang, Jingxiang Xu, Li Gao, Study the effect of AT13 addition on the properties of AT13/Fe-based amorphous composite coatings[J]Surface Coatings and Technology2019, (379) :125053-125060

3. Xingwei Zheng, Peng Luo, Zhenhua Chu*, Jingxiang Xu, Fenghua Wang, Plastic flow behavior and microstructure characteristics of light-weight 2060 Al-Li alloy[J]Materials Science & Engineering A2018 (736) 465–471.

4. Chunyue Zhang, Zhenhua Chu*, Fushang Wei, Yong Yang, Yanchun Dong, Dan Huang, Lei Wang, Optimizing process and the properties of the sprayed Fe-based metallic glassy coating by plasma spraying[J], Surface coating and technology 2017, (319): 1-5.

5. Zhenhua Chu*, Yong Yang, Xueguang Chen, Dianran Yan, Dan Huang, Wang Lei, Zhe Liu,Characterization and tribology performance of Fe-based metallic glassy composite coatings fabricated by gas multiple-tunnel plasma spraying[J], Surface coating and technology 2016,( 292): 44-48.

6. Zhenhua Chu, Guangyin Yuan, Hidemi Kato, Guoqiang Xie, Dianran Yan. The effect of size and volume fraction of the reinforcement on mechanical property and deformation mechanism of the bulk metallic glassy composite[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015 (644) 25–29.

7. Zhenhua Chu, Guangyin Yuan, Hidemi Kato, Guoqiang Xie, Dianran Yan. The study on interface and property of TiNb/Zr-based metallic glassy composite fabricated by SPS[J],Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2015 (426) 83–87.

8. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, D.R. Yan, The effect of matrix fracture toughness on the plastic deformation of the metallic glassy composite[J], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014,(612): 10-15.

9. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, Correlation between the enhanced plasticity of glassy matrix composites and the intrinsic mechanical property of reinforcement[J], Materials Science and Engineering A. 2013,(560): 40-46.

10. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, A. Inoue, Consolidation and mechanical properties of Cu46Zr42Al7Y5 metallic glass by spark plasma sintering[J], Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2012, ( 358): 1263-1267.

11. Z.H. Chu, H. Kato, G.Q. Xie, G.Y. Yuan, W.J. Ding, Enhanced mechanical properties by cyclic compression in TiNb/Zr-based metallic glassy composite[J]Metallurqical and Materials Transaction A, 2013, (44): 4595-4600.

12. Zhe Liu, Zhenhua Chu, Yanchun Dong, Yong Yang, Xueguang Chen, Xiangjiao Kong, Dianran Yan, The effect of metallic bonding layer on the corrosion behavior of plasma sprayed Al2O3 ceramic coatings in simulated seawater[J], Vacuum, 2014, (101):1-9.

13. Xingwei Zheng, Xin Zhuang, Yanhua Lei, Zhenhua Chu, Jingxiang Xu, Li Gao, Xiaoming Sun. Corrosion behavior of Ti-6Al-4V alloy in sulfate reducing bacteria

Solution[J], Coatings, 2020, 10(1): 24

14.Zhenhua Chu, Wenxing Deng, Weixing Zheng, Yuyun Zhou, Chunyue Zhang, Jingxiang Xu, Li Gao, Corrosion Mechanism of Plasma-Sprayed Fe-Based Amorphous Coatings with High Corrosion Resistance[J], Journal of Thermal Spraying Technology, 2020, 29 (5): 1111-1118

15. Zheng XW, Zhao Z, Chu ZH*, Yin HH, Wang W, Effect of surface treatment methods on the interfacial behavior of fiber metal laminate based on WE43 magnesium alloy[J], International journal of adhesion and adhesives, 2021 (11)

16.ChuZhenhuaTeng ShikunZhou YuyunZheng XingweiXu JingxiangWang FangZhang Baosen, The Corrosion Resistance and Mechanism of AT13/Fe-Based Amorphous Composite Coatings[J], Micromachines, 2022 13(1)

17. Zhenhua Chu, Yuyun Zhou, Xingwei Zheng, Wenxing Deng, Jingxiang Xu, Li Gao, Tribological and Corrosive Mechanism of Fe-based Metallic Glassy Composite Coatings Sprayed by Plasma Spraying[J], Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2020, 49(9): 2978-2982.

18.Zhenhua Chu*, Zhixin Zhang, Yuanqing Zhou, Jingxiang Xu, Xingwei Zheng, Ming Sun, Fang Wang, Zheng Zhang and Qingsong HuEffect of Nd Element of Mg-Nd Binary Alloy on the Corrosion Resistance in Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Solution [J]Materials, 2022, 15: 8788.

19. Zhenhua Chu, Haonan Shi, Fa Xu, Jingxiang Xu, Xingwei Zheng, Fang Wang, Zheng Zhang and Qingsong HuStudy of the Corrosion Mechanism of Iron‐Based Amorphous Composite Coating with Alumina in Sulfate‐Reducing Bacteria Solution[J]Coatings202212:1763

20. Zhenhua Chu, Yuyun Zhou, Fa Xu, Xingwei Zheng, Xiaotao Luo and Yan Shu, Study of friction and wear beha viors of Fe-based amorphous coatings by MD simulations, Frontiers in Materials 2022,12:1048443

21. Zhenhua Chu*, Wenxing Deng, Jingxiang Xu, Fang Wang, Zheng Zhang and Qingsong Hu Synthesis of RGO/Cu@ FeAl2O4 Composites and ItsApplications in Electromagnetic Microwave Absorption Coatings [J]Materials, 2023,16:740.


